

The cessation of an insurance policy due to the non-payment of a premium.

Length of stay

The amount of time a resident stays in a facility.

Level of care (LOC)

Amount of assistance required by consumers, which might determine their eligibility for programs and services. Levels include protective, intermediate and skilled.

Level premiums

The uniform raising of premium rates for an entire class of insurance with permission from the state’s insurance commissioner.


A permission granted to an individual or organization by a competent authority, usually governmental, to a engage lawfully in a practice, occupation or activity. Nursing home administrators and nurses, for example, must be licensed.

Licensed beds

The number of beds the Department of Health Services has authorized a specific provider to have in a given treatment category.

Licensed practical nurse (LPN)

A graduate of a state-approved practical nursing education program who has passed a state examination and been licensed to provide nursing and personal care under the supervision of a registered nurse or physician. LPNs commonly administer medications and treatment and act as a charge nurse in nursing facilities.

Life expectancy

The average number of years of life remaining for a group of people of a certain age, according to carefully calculated mortality tables.

Lifetime maximum benefit

The maximum amount of benefits an insurance policy will pay.

Living will

A written document that states the wishes of an individual (in advance) concerning the use of life saving devices and procedures in the event that the person is terminally ill or suffers an injury and is no longer competent.

Long-term care

A range of medical and/or social services designed to help people who have disabilities or chronic care needs. Services can be short- or long-term and can be provided in a person's home, in the community, or in a residential facility such as a nursing home or assisted living facility.

Long-term care facilities

A range of institutions – such as nursing homes and assisted living buildings – that provide healthcare to people who are unable to manage independently in the community. Facilities may also provide short-term rehabilitative services as well as chronic care management.

Long-term care insurance

Insurance policies that pay for long-term care services (such as nursing home and home care) that Medicare and Medigap policies do not cover. Policies vary in terms of what they will cover (often a daily amount), and may be expensive. Coverage may be denied based on health status or age.

Long-term care ombudsman

An individual designated by a state or a substate unit responsible for investigating and resolving complaints made by or on behalf of residents of long-term care facilities. Also responsible for monitoring federal and state policies relating to long-term care. The ombudsman program is authorized by Title III of the Older Americans Act.

Look-back period

Refers to the period of time during which a facility’s staff assess residents when completing the MDS.


LPN -- see licensed practical nurse