Living Leadership

Living Leadership
Calling all aspiring leaders

Calling all aspiring leaders

How do we attract the best and the brightest to work in our field? We've kept the excitement, energy and enthusiasm for our work too quiet far too long.

Leadership through tears

Leadership through tears

"You take this job too personal." As an inexperienced CEO at the time, I was offended by this comment from a resident. Over the years, however, I've started to embrace it.

Stories in action: Sign language and lilacs

Stories in action: Sign language and lilacs

Story telling centers us, grounds us and reminds us why we do the work we do.

Lasting leadership 'littles'

Lasting leadership 'littles'

The little things really do make a difference and today's blog is proof. In the spirit of the "busyness" of the day, I thought I'd share little leadership bits that make a huge difference.

We need leaders (regardless of title) now more than ever

We need leaders (regardless of title) now more than ever

We need to recognize that leadership in our world must expand beyond formal titles. We work in a field where leadership is necessary 24 hours a day, not just the hours the offices are open.

Make the leadership moments mean something

Make the leadership moments mean something

During the course of a day, each of us have the opportunity to let leadership moments slip by. Good news: We also have the opportunity to take advantage of leadership moments.

How to set leadership development goals for dummies

How to set leadership development goals for dummies

Leadership development goals certainly aren't simple. If they were, we would have many more enlightened leaders out there. The good news is there is always time to start.

Leadership conversations

Leadership conversations

When you have team members committed to growing and learning more as leaders ... leadership conversations have to happen. Here are some resources and ideas about them.

Swap resolutions for expectations

Swap resolutions for expectations

Consider this time of the year as a time to make your expectations clear. Make your expectations clear for your teams but also include leadership expectations for yourself. Leadership expectations are different.

To be a good leader, share your stories

To be a good leader, share your stories

The best lessons in life are often learned through the stories we share. The most meaningful moments, good or bad, are captured and remembered by the tales we tell.