Interpretive guidelines that allow surveyors to label and identify deficiencies. They are grouped by specific regulatory citations and labeled by a number with the prefix “F.” Tags are numbered from F-150 to F-522.
Terminal illness or terminally ill
An illness or injury determined by a physician or other licensed healthcare professional to likely result in death within six months.
Therapeutic devices
Devices that include wheelchairs, hospital beds, ramps, crutches, intravenous pumps, respirators and more.
A person who is licensed or certified to provide therapy services.
Therapy caps
Annual benefit limits (most recently at $1,740) on rehab therapy for Medicare Part B recipients. There is one cap for occupational therapy and another for speech and physical therapy combined. An exceptions process currently exempts most nursing home residents from the caps.
Therapy services
Physical, respiratory, speech or occupational therapy services provided by a therapist.
Title III services
Services provided to individuals 60 and older that are funded under Title III of the Older Americans Act. They include: congregate and home-delivered meals, supportive services (such as transportation, information and referral, legal assistance), in-home services (homemaker services, personal care, chore services), and health promotion/disease prevention services (e.g., health screenings, exercise programs, and more).
Title XIX (Medicaid)
Federal and state-funded program of medical assistance to low-income individuals of all ages. Income eligibility requirements apply.
Title XVIII (Medicare)
Federal health insurance program for people 65 and older, as well as certain disabled individuals of any age. Consists of three parts: Part A (hospital insurance), Part B (optional medical insurance that covers physicians' services and outpatient care in part; requires a monthly payment); and Part D (prescription benefit program).
Title XX Services
Commonly known as Social Services Block Grant services. Grants given to states under the Social Security Act that fund limited amounts of social services for people of all ages (including some in-home services, abuse prevention services and more).
An activity of daily living – getting to and from the toilet, getting on and off the toilet, and performing associated personal hygiene related tasks.
Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
This type of nutrition requires a doctor's order. TPN is typically administered through a large vein in the body because of its high concentration of ingredients. Individuals who are unable to eat or who do not receive enough calories, essential vitamins and minerals from eating can receive enough nutrients from TPN to maintain their weight.
An activity of daily living – the ability to move in or out of a bed, wheelchair or standard chair.
Transitional care
Also called post-acute or subacute care. A type of short-term care provided by many long-term care facilities and hospitals that may include rehabilitation services, specialized care for certain conditions (such as stroke or diabetes) and/or post-surgical care and other services associated with the transition between the hospital and home. Residents on these units often have been hospitalized recently and typically have more complicated medical needs.
Transportation services
Provides transportation for those who can’t deliver themselves to services and appointments. May use bus, taxi, volunteer drivers or van services that can accommodate wheelchairs or individuals with other special needs.
Trauma code
Diagnosis codes related to traumatic conditions. Trauma codes could indicate possible third-party payer involvement, making Medicare the secondary payer.
Treatment plan
See care plan